1 On 1 with Arianna Penalba


Couples, Individuals and Families

Start Shaping Your New Life Today


Helping You Find Success With Personalized Therapy

Feel Like It’s Time to Make a Change in Your Life, But Can’t Seem to Find a Way?

 therapybyarianna in the Los Angeles area, offers a variety of practice areas for individual therapy, couples therapy, and family counseling. Whether you are struggling with depression, anxiety, relationship communication, or a divorce, Arianna Penalba, LMFT can help. I strive to help people live an authentic life and find their full potential.
Call for a free 10 minute consultation today.

Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship. – Buddha


Marriage counseling
Premarital counseling
Fertility Issues
And more!


Adjustment disorders
Chronic pain
Domestic violence
Assertiveness training
And more.


Family Therapy
Communication difficulties
Life transitions


“I would like to thank you for your support and guidance during my challenging time. You are truly a master of your craft!
I am thankful that I was placed in your care and I value the opportunity that I had with you. Thank you!”

“I had the great fortune of meeting Ariana during one of the darkest periods of my life. I knew from my first session with Ariana that she was the right person to help me. Her compassion, empathy, and non-judgemental insight helped me beyond words and I am forever grateful!”

“Arianna is the third therapist I’ve seen throughout my life, and is by far the most effective for my situations. I have found her counseling to be very compassionate, helpful and actionable.”

My Approach

I love my clients so much! They literally blow me away with their courage, strength, resiliency and commitment to healing.

I’ve experienced some of the most beautiful souls that don’t even know how amazing they are. But to be able to reflect that to them and for them to receive it, maybe for the first time ever is such an incredible experience.

Make no mistake, therapy is all about the relationship. The techniques and tools are secondary to the therapeutic alliance. As therapists we are often in the role of reparenting our clients until they can do that for themselves. That’s an honor that I don’t take lightly.


Couples Therapy

Whether you are dating, engaged, married, separated or co-parenting. I’m guessing you would love to be able to communicate with your partner more effectively and enjoy a more fulfilling and satisfying relationship. Whatever your goals may be as a couple, let’s work together to reach them. 


Individual Therapy

Do you truly feel satisfied with your life and the outcomes you are getting? Whether it be in your career, relationships with family members, friends, or romantic partners. I get so excited when I can help people resolve trauma, face their fears, and live their lives more fully and authentically. Let’s do this!

Family Therapy

When a family is healthy and happy, all seems right in the world. But not all families are stable, healthy, and happy all the time. The stresses of modern life can bring a family to its knees. ​Family therapy doesn’t automatically solve family conflicts but it can provide skills to cope with challenging situations in a more effective way to achieve a sense of togetherness.

Regular Fees

$175* per 50 minute session
*Sliding scale is available depending on your financial situation but $175 is a very competitive rate for LA and my level of expertise.


Current Special Offer:

3 Sessions for $450 (new clients only)

Don’t Wait Any Longer. Start Forging Your Own Path Today!

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